It seems that everyone agrees on the fact that Simple is better than Complex and that we need simplicity in the products and services (material or immaterial) we use everyday. Probably true. Now, when the subject touches to Design, everyone seems to have a strong opinion too on how to obtain Simplicity: just by avoiding Complexity, right? That, I will discuss.
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Featured Posts
Build Your Business Around Your Customers (not the other way around)
T he classical attitude of most companies is to see their own brand culture as a Sacred Graal, a...
Cyclic and Linear Thinking
(or why waterfall process doesn’t really work for design) C oming back from the Euro IA...
Presenting at Paris Web 2010
Paris Web, the annual web design conference, will have its 5th edition on October 14th, 15th and...
Presenting at Euro IA 2010
The 6th European Summit of Information Architecture (Euro IA) will take place in Paris on septembre...
Natural Planning: a practical approach to enhance productivity in UX Design
U sually, when one starts talking productivity, the crowd of designers slowly moves away. “Let’s...
Creativity is 20% inspiration + 80% practice
W e're trained to think that creativity is something given to few of us, at birth. It is commonly...
Featured Projects
Information Architecture for SKAI.gr, News website from the 1st information network in Greece. See...
Herta - Experience Strategy
Proposition for Content Strategy and User Experience architecture for Herta (Nestlé). See...
Proposition for a new Experience Strategy and Information Architecture for the online reservation...
Cisco Human Network
Cisco Human Network created an operation for supporting individual or corporate sustanaible...
Fisher Price: a parenting community
Ogilvy proposed to Fisher Price to create an online parenting community, which would allow the...
Auto Distribution Trucks
AutoDistribution is one of the largest car parts manufacturer and distributor in Europe....
Fondation Caisse d'Epargne
Information architecture and interface design for Fondation Caisse d'Epargne . The fundation is...
Caisse d’Epargne: a corporate blog
Caisse d'Epargne has a strong internal communication policy and support many local actions, in the...
Feedback 2.0 is web platform allowing companies to get feedback from user on their services....
Teaching & speaking presentations
Euro IA: The Natural Planning Model
This topic has been presented at the EuroIA Conference, in Paris on 24th-25th october. Read the...
The Five Phases Of User Experience Design
User Experience Design explained to students in 5 simples phases. From understanding the context of...
Deliverables of User Experience Design
This module of teaching has been elaborated for the Ecole de l'Image (Paris, France). It focuses on...
Framework & Content Strategy
This training session has been developed for designer of Ecole de l'Image (Paris, FR) and is part...
Information design for the web
Introduction to Information Design training module, developed for Ecole de l'Image (Paris). This...
Designing User Experience
Introduction and overview of User Experience Design. From historical background to designing a...